Friday, May 8, 2015

Our Mission....Pine Creek Camp, Pine Village, IN

Our NOMADS mission for the spring of 2015 is Pine Creek Camp located near Pine Village Indiana. As we prepared to leave Wisconsin, I was able to hook and load the trailer with out getting wet, however just as we started to leave  town, the rain started. By the time we were to Beloit the rain had stopped and the sun was shining. We had a very smooth and uneventful ride south on I-39 to El Paso, Il, and traveling east on Illinois State Rout 24 to Gilman, Illinois where we stopped for lunch. Following lunch, we were back on the road and headed to Kentland, Indiana. From there we took US 41 south to Pine Village. We arrived and checked in with Grant Crumbaugh about mid afternoon.

We were very surprised to see the condition of the RV camping area.  Our memories of the previous stay were in our mind, but up on arrival we found the campground clean, the restrooms working, the grass cut and not  mosquetos! It was such a change from what we had experienced in the past we were totally surpirsed and happy the grounds wer in such good shape.

After dinner we simply relaxed and enjoyed the quiteness of the country!

On Thursday I met with Grant and we developed a plan for the balance of the week. Linda and I were to pump the rain water that had collected in the swimming pool over the winter. The pumping was slow and it took two days to get all the water out. While the pumps were running we did some cleaning around the pool area and did some repair work as well. The round table that is used meetings in the Leadership Center was I built some legs so the table could be used.

The only excitement for the first two days on site was the fact that I broke a tooth. My first thought was finding a dentist in a farming community that would be able to get me in would be almost impossible, but as luck would have it a dentist was able to take care of the problem...and in relatively short time after I called.

By Friday afternoon the pool was pumped out, the table repaired, my tooth in good shape, shopping for the week was done and we were waiting for the rest of the crew. However we did have excitement on Friday night. There was a competition on the camp that was similar to an iron man contest, however this one involved walking and completing tasks in the woods, creeks and pond. The competition lasted for 4 hours and certainly created some excitement for Greta.

This weekend will center around greeting the new NOMADS team members, helping them set up, preparing for next week and attending worship services in Pine Village.

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