Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Lot of Work, and A Little Play!

This week continued with its challenges, but the work continued. The cleaning and organizing the kitchen finally was finished on Wednesday afternoon. Now to the dining hall and preparing it for use.

One of the major projects was to upgrade the kitchen sink from a two basin sink to a three basin sink. This required a lot of work, planning and revising plans, plus a few trips to the plumbing supply house.
Installing this sink was a major challenge to get it to fit into the allotted space and match the existing plumbing drains. Bob did an excellent job of working through this part of the project.

Monday was extremely hot and humid, I wonder why these ladies chose to clean the walk in cooler and walk in freezer that day? At least they were cool in their work that day!
The screen door was in very bad repair, so the installation of a new door was in order. Guess what, the new door was 2" wider than the existing opening. A little engineering and a saw blade made it fit!
Some of the base boards had deteriorated and were water damages, so they had to be removed and the old glue stripped off. A paint job was in order for this part of the project.

A cover for one of the exhaust fans was constructed so the opening could be closed during the winter to protect the interior of the dining hall from some of the elements.

On Tuesday night we gathered, fired up the grill and built a campfire. Following a meal that featured Brats, smores and roasted marshmallows were in order. The team enjoyed an evening of fellowship with the Camp Director and his family. Wonderful day to finish a hard day!

More work on the way, but a little excursion is planned for the weekend.

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