Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Community Projects

Today myself and two other NOMADS painted a tiny kitchen in this lady's house.  Her name  is Marcelle and she has lived in this house for ten years.  She has macular degeneration in her eyes and needed to have the walls painted bright white.  Marcelle lives alone and she is a member of the Rockledge UMC.  It tooks us two hours to complete the painting.  The kitchen was very small, and when we bumped into each other she told us it is a "one butt" kitchen.  When we were finished, she hugged each one of us and cried.  I expected a thank you but not tears.

That's Chick painting.  She was a good sport and agreed to get behind both the stove and the refrigerator.  I painted a lot of the edges.

The bird's name is Taquilla.  I started speaking Spanish to him and he'd danced around-bobbing up and down.  Marcelle said she never saw him dance like that before.  She had rescued the bird from a nursing home where some of the residents pulled his feathers out.  Well, I explained, he understands Spanish.  Ok, how do you say give me a kiss?  Da me una besso.  OK  I guess I'll have to learn so Spanish to talk to my bird and make hin dance.  What a blessed day I had today-Linda

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