Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Another Day, WOW are we Tired!

ECHO is a fascinating organization and each day I seem to be amazed by something that is so simple that will make lives easier. All week I have pondered in my mind the fact that our land and resources will need to feed 9 billion people in the not so distant future. To do this will require us to think differently about or agricultural production. Do you realize that today 12 species of crops and 5 species of animals provide the food for the world. New food sources will need to be developed.

One of the interesting things about NOMADS is the fellowship that we enjoy as we work. Each day at lunch we meet and visit about the happenings of the day. No doubt we will build lasting friendships from this experience. Although we do have fun, we are also working hard. Linda is on the painting crew and I am on the construction crew.

Linda is now named Cinderella because here role is to clean up after the paint crew has finished a room. She has been doing a lot of scrubbing, so the rest of the crew calls her and she has named them the wicked step is all part of making the work more fun.

Mike Alford (Indiana) and I are building new display and sorting tables for the nursery. The work has required a lot of heavy lifting since the structures are built using all treated lumber that is 2" thick. Hopefully we will start moving the structures in early next week.

We are very fortunate to have a very experienced painter who supervises the painters.  His name is John and he is from Columbia-he enjoys sharing his witness about how he was lead by God to come to the United States.  He is also a perfectionist about painting-thus I have been regulated  to cleaning up after everyone-I am truly a nubie and my painting 'skills' leave something to be desired.  I don't mind cleaning as it is something I know how to do.  It has been very hot working as we've had record highs for January.  Next week we will be painting outside.  I'm ready for bed by 8pm  Greta gets us up by 4-I stumble out the door-let her potty and let her back in bed with us for a while-kind of like having a baby-off to bed I go

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