We finally arrived home after four weeks on the road. Home was certainly a welcome sight! In looking back at the trip it was a very rewarding experience and we are already looking forward to the next mission trip. Not only did we learn some new tasks, work hard, and make new relationships, but we also experienced spiritual growth. We were surrounded by people of faith who were living their faith and not just talking about it. Every one at ECHO had a very positive attitude and their faith was very obvious.
As we came back, we often talked about the impressions the people we met had left on us. No doubt the one thing we will remember is our experiences of worship at Tice United Methodist Church. Our first Sunday many people of the congregation came up to us and introduced themselves and made us feel very welcome. The songs that were sang were very uplifting and the people were clapping hands and hands were raised! I will never forget the organ player and how he really put everything he had into making the music lively. The service was opened each Sunday with the minister asking for "God Sightings" for the week. In other words who has experienced something during the week where they felt God had impacted their lives, and many people responded.
As we returned to Wisconsin, we had maps and a GPS to help us find our way. I realized that our life is much like the journey we had just taken, but God is our GPS. The only problem is that too many times we try to travel the path we want to travel and not follow his plan. If I leaned one thing on this trip it is to put all my trust in God and he will take care of us.